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Page Kurzzeitstipendien
Stipends for doctoral students up to 3 months.
News Item Graduate Courses and Seminars
Every semester we organize seminars and courses especially designed for students in the integrated research training group. They take place at one location ...
Event Annual Meeting of SFB/TR 45 Members
This is the annual meeting of all members of SFB/TR 45. This includes Principal Investigators as well as other members according to our Ordnung. During ...
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File Guidelines for Integrated Research Training Groups
This document contains details about the overall concept of an Integrated Research Training Group.
File Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
The attached document contains rules set by the scientific community to ensure good scientific practice. Please check this out yourself.
Open Position Open positions
News Item Application Requirements
Event Workshop Kompaktifizierungen und tropische Geometrie III
Event Workshop Kompaktifizierungen und tropische Geometrie II
Event Workshop Kompaktifizierungen und tropische Geometrie I