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Event On the geometric Satake equivalence
Timo Richarz -Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Cluster tilting over canonical algebras
Dirk Kussin (Verona) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics 10.15 - 11.45 Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Singular spaces with trivial canonical class
Daniel Greb (U Freiburg, z.Z. MI Bonn)
Event The crystals associated to supersingular K3 surfaces
Robert Wilms - 'Arithmetische Geometrie'-Oberseminar (ARGOS)
Event Holomorphic convexity of linear coverings of compact Kähler manifolds
Philippe Eyssidieux (Grenoble) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event On the Birational Nature of Lifting
Christian Liedtke (Bonn) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event On the Morrison-Kawamata cone conjecture
Vladimir Lazić (Bayreuth) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Derived equivalent conjugate K3 surfaces
Pawel Sosna (Bonn) -Arbeitsgemeinschaft Complex Geometry in Bonn-
Event Potential density of rational points on the variety of lines of a cubic fourfold
Ekaterina Amerik (Orsay, z.Z. MPI) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry SAG Bonn-
Event Dimensions and dimension spectrums of triangulated categories
Dimitri Orlov (Steklov, z.Z. MPI) Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event The topological DT/PT wall-crossing
Jacopo Stoppa (MPI) Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Perverse coherent sheaves on surfaces
Kota Yoshioka (Kobe, z.Z. MPI) Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event First coniveau notch of the Dwork family and its mirror
Andre Chatzistamatiou (Essen) Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Determinantal Barlow surfaces and phantom categories
Pawel Sosna (Hamburg) - Seminar Algebaische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Density of 2-dimensional potentially Barsotti-Tate representations
E. Hellmann (zZ. Paris) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event The Satake equivalence in ramified cases, 1
Timo Richarz -Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Categories and Dynamical systems
Ludmil Katzarkov (U Wien, z.Z. MPI) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Dimensions of moduli spaces of finite flat models
Naoki Imai (Tokyo) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Ke Chen (Université Paris-Sud XI)
On the equidistribution of special subvarieties in mixed Shimura varieties
Event The bicanonical map of varieties of maximal Albanese dimension
Marti Lahoz Vilalta (Bonn) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Spherical objects and Chow groups of K3 surfaces
Daniel Huybrechts - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Graded quiver varieties and quantum cluster algebras
Yoshiyuki Kimura (Kyoto) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Perfectoid spaces (Promotionsverteidigung)
Peter Scholze - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event The Laurent phenomenon
Charlotte Ricke (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Ramified Satake Isomorphisms
Masoud Kamgarpour - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event The Painlev\'e VI moduli spaces
Carlos Simpson (Nice, CNRS) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event (Rational) curves on (K3) surfaces: General introduction
Daniel Huybrechts - Graduate Seminar on Algebra: Curves on Surfaces
Event The p-rank stratification on the Siegel moduli space with Iwahori level structure, 1
Paul Hamacher - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Factorial cluster algebras
Jan Schröer (Bonn ) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Rank four vector bundles on four-folds
Asher Auel (MPIM; Emory University) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)