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Event Euler obstruction, Nash blow up. Examples (1); Symmetric obstruction theories (2)
M. Lehn (1); P. Sosna (2) - SFB-Seminar (Transregio 45) 'Degree zero DT invariants and Behrend function'
Event Hodge-Pink structures and filtered isocrystals
C. Kaiser 'Arithmetische Geometrie'-Oberseminar (ARGOS)
Event Hall algebra of a weighted projective line
Igor Burban - Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie (DAS)
Event Koszul cohomology and geometry of complex curves
Marian Aprodu (Bukarest, MPI Bonn) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn-
Event p-adic deformation of cycle classes
Moritz Kerz (Essen/Regensburg) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Specialization of Néron-Severi groups of K3 surfaces
Francois Charles (Rennes, z.Z. Bonn) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Motivic decompositions of abelian schemes
Ben Moonen (Amsterdam) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Degenerations of K3 surfaces and applications I: Families of nodal curves
Thomas Dedieu (Toulouse) - Graduate Seminar on Algebra: Curves on Surfaces
Event Quivers with potentials II (after Derksen-Weyman-Zelevinsky)
Daniel Labardini-Fragoso (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Families of trianguline representations and finite slope spaces, 1.
E. Hellmann - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event tba
Lutz Hille (Münster - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Cluster algebras arising from Riemann surfaces IV
Charlotte Ricke (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Connected components of Kisin varieties for GL_2
E. Hellmann - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Truncations of level 1 of elements of the loop group of a reductive group, 1
Eva Viehmann (Bonn) AG Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Introduction to motives
J. Stoppa SFB Seminar Stability structures, motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and cluster transformations (after Kontsevich and Soibelman)
Event The motivic Hall algebra
D. Murfet SFB Seminar Stability structures, motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and cluster transformations (after Kontsevich and Soibelman)
Event Full exceptional sequences and tilting modules over the Auslander algebra of k[T]/T^t
Lutz Hille (Münster) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event p-Rang- und KR-Strata in der Reduktion von Shimura-Varietäten vom PEL-Typ
Ph. Hartwig (U. Duisburg-Essen) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event (Modular) constructions of mixed (Tate)-motives I
Günter Harder (Bonn) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event (Modular) constructions of mixed (Tate)-motives II
Günter Harder (Bonn) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Quivers with potentials I (after Derksen-Weyman-Zelevinsky)
Daniel Labardini-Fragoso (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event tba
Richard Thomas (Imperial College London) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Categorical resolutions and Du Bois singularities
Valery Lunts (Indiana, z.Z. MI) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Some remarkable subsets of Iwahori-Weyl groups
M. Rapoport - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Geometry of the Siegel threefold with paramodular level structure
Chia-Fu Yu (Taipeh z.Z. Bonn) Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Calabi-Yau varieties parametrised by Shimura varieties
Bert van Geemen (Mailand) Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Localization of the Zuckerman functor and applications, II
Sarah Kitchen (U Freiburg) - Seminar on Repesentation Theory
Event Counting curves, stable pairs and BPS invariants
Richard Thomas (Imperial College London) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn-
Event Braid group actions, tilting complexes and Khovanov
Catharina Stroppel (U Bonn) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn-
Event Poisson automorphismus and quiver moduli
Markus Reineke (U Wuppertal) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn-