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Event Khovanov homology and its generalizations (Semester on 4-manifolds)
Catharina Stroppel
Event tba
Jeanne Scott (MPI Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Cluster algebras arising from Riemann surfaces II
Victor Bothe (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Nonarchimedean analytification, tropicalization, and metrics on curves
Sam Payne (Yale, z.Z. MPI) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Sections of families of hypersurfaces of large degree
Christophe Mourougane (Rennes) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Resolution algorithm in characteristic zero and its possible extension in positive characteristic
Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk (Purdue U), z.Z. MPI - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Donaldson Thomas theory - Part II: Examples and computational tools
Sven Meinhardt (MI Bonn) - Research seminar on derived categories
Event Uhlenbeck-Donaldson compactification for framed sheaves
Ugo Bruzzo (SISSA, z.Z. MPI) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Event Moduli of stable maps and stable quotients
Christina Manolache (HU Berlin) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie SAG
Event On the cohomology of non-basic RZ-spaces, 2
Eva Viehmann - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Quiver varieties and derived categories II
Sarah Scherotzke (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event The Langlands-Kottwitz approach to the zeta function in the case of Gamma_1(p)
M. Rapoport (Bonn) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie in Bonn-
Event Curve counting theories via stable objects in the derived category
Yukinobu Toda (Oxford) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn-
Event B-branes in Landau-Ginzburg models
Ed Segal (Imperial College London) -Seminar Algebraische Geometrie SAG in Bonn_
Event Automorphisms of irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties
Samuel Boissiere (Nice) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Derived McKay correspondence
Andreas Krug (Bonn)
Event The Hodge-Conjecture over Function Fields
U. Hartl (Münster) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event The Drinfeld halfspace over finite fields
A. Werner (Frankfurt) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Cluster algebras arising from Riemann surfaces I
Javier Garcia Rodriguez (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Event Bounding singularities on minimal models
Paolo Cascini (Imperial College) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Event Fine affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and Ekedahl-Oort strata 1
Maarten Hoeve (MPI) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Event Hypergraphic divisors, curves, and morphisms
Ana-Maria Castravet (University of Arizona, z.Z. MPI Bonn) -Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG) in Bonn-
Event Enumerative Geometry on K3 Fibrations and Modular Forms
Albrecht Klemm (Bonn) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn-
Event Cycles on the Jacobian and on the symmetric powers of a curve
Ben Moonen (Universität Amsterdam) -Seminar Algebraic Geometry in Bonn (SAG)-
Event Some applications of Higgs bundles
Stefan Müller-Stach (Mainz) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG) in Bonn -
Event Irregular Singularities and Stokes factors
Duco van Straten (Mainz) - Seminar 'Stability Conditions and Stokes factors' (after Tom Bridgeland and Valerio Toledano-Laredo) in Bonn -
Event Modularity lifting theorems (MSRI-Vortrag von R. Taylor)
Beamer - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie Bonn -
Event Isomonodromic deformations and the Joyce equation
Manfred Lehn - Seminar 'Stability Conditions and Stokes factors' (after Tom Bridgeland and Valerio Toledano-Laredo) in Bonn-
Event The Langlands-Kottwitz approach to the zeta function in the case of Gamma(p)
Peter Scholze - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie in Bonn -
Event Uniformization of the moduli space of D-shtukas of rank one and an application, 1
Christian Kaiser (MPI) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie in Bonn -