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Central simple algebras of index p^n in characteristic p

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Mathieu Florence (Jussieu)

  • SFB-Kolloquium
When Jan 26, 2012
from 03:15 pm to 04:15 pm
Where Mainz, 05-432 (Hilbertraum)
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Abstract: Let k be a field of characteristic p>0. In this talk, we shall study p-algebras; that is, central simple k-algebras of degree a power of p. By a theorem of Teichmüller, every such algebra (say of exponent e and index d) is Brauer equivalent to a tensor product of cyclic algebras of degree e. Teichmüller moreover proved in the 30's that the number of cyclic algebras appearing in the tensor product can be bounded by d!(d!-1) (twenty years ago, this result was improved by Mammone and Mammone-Merkurjev in some particular cases). We shall improve this bound down to d-1. Key tools are a careful study of the Frobenius morphism for Severi-Brauer varieties, as well as a structure theorem for some commutative unipotent group schemes.

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