List of Posters
Derived categories and rationality of conic bundles
Marcello Bernardara (Essen)
Class of cubic threefolds in the Grothendieck ring of varieties
Emel Bilgin (Essen)
Constructing fourth order differential Calabi-Yau operators
Michael Bogner (Mainz)
Asymptotic behavior of elliptic curves over function fields
Anna Fluder (Essen)
Rational points on simply connected surfaces of general type with p_g=0
Annabelle Hartmann (Essen)
Automorphic products on unitary groups
Eric Hofmann (Darmstadt)
L²-cohomology of Calabi-Yau families over curves
Henning Hollborn (Mainz)
Simpson moduli spaces of 1-dimensional sheaves on surfaces and their modifications by vector bundles
Oleksandr Iena (Trieste)
Uniformly rigid spaces and Neron models of formally finite type
Christian Kappen (Essen)
Stratified bundles on simply connected varieties in positive characteristic
Lars Kindler (Essen)Rational points and Arithmetic of zero cycles on algebraic varieties
Nguyen Le Dang Thi (Essen)
Mirror Symmetry and Hodge theory
Helge Ruddat (Hamburg)
Rational double points (in characteristic p)
Felix Schueller (Duesseldorf)
Twisted Teichmüller curves
Christian Weiß (Frankfurt)