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Event Hilbert-Samuel multiplicities of certain deformation rings
Fabian Sander (Essen)
Event Tamely ramified geometric local theta correspondence in terms of geometric Langlands functoriality
B. Farang-Hariri (HU Berlin)
Event CM-constructions in low genus
Peter Stevenhagen (Leiden)
Event On the p-curvature of Hitchin’s connection
C. Sorger (Nantes/MPI)
Event Overview - Forschungsseminar zur Fontaine-Mazur-Vermutung (nach Emerton)
Vytas Paskunas (Essen)
Event φ-Γ-Moduln
Philipp Hartwig (Essen)
Event Locally algebraic vectors in completed cohomology II
Andre Chatzistamatiou
Event Deformations of GQ- and GL2(Qp)-representations
Vytas Paskunas
Event Locally algebraic vectors in completed cohomology I
Jochen Heinloth
Event A conjecture of Artin and weight one forms I
Shu Sasaki (Essen)
Event A conjecture of Artin and weight one forms III
Shu Sasaki (Essen)
Event Introduction
Christian Kappen
Event Finite flat group schemes I
Nguyen Duy Tan
Event Harder-Narasimhan filtrations of finite flat group schemes
Ulrich Terstiege
Event Comparison with the Newton Polygon
Stefan Kukulies
Event Compatibilities and behavior in families
Christian Kappen
Event The weight-monodromy conjecture I
Ishai Dan-Cohen
Event Higher Tate central extension and K-theory delooping
Oliver Bräunling (Essen)
Event Perfectoid Algebras II
Jochen Heinloth
Event The p-parity conjecture for elliptic curves with a p-isogeny
Kęstutis Česnavičius (MIT)
Event Effective computation of Darmon points
Xavier Guitart (MPI Bonn)
Event Prémière réduction
Vytas Paskunas
Event Density I
Jeng-Daw Yu
Event The end
Ulrich Görtz
Event On the Geometric Satake Isomorphism
Timo Richarz (Bonn)
Event Conjugacy classes in affine Weyl groups
Sian Nie (IHES)
Event The weight-monodromy conjecture I
Ishai Dan-Cohen
Event Density II
Kay Rülling
Event Perfectoid algebras I
Ulrich Terstiege
Event Fractional Differentiability in Number Theory
Enno Nagel (Univ. Federal de Alagoas)