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Introduction and distribution of talks
M. Rapoport - 'Arithmetische Geometrie'-Oberseminar (ARGOS)
The cohomology of Deligne-Lusztig varieties
S. Orlik (Wuppertal) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
The Fourier decomposition on the Chow ring of certain hyperkaehler fourfolds
Charles Vial (Cambridge) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Prime exceptional divisors on holomorphic symplectic varieties and monodromy reflections
Eyal Markman (U Massachusetts) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Moduli space and universal family for connected subgroups of a complex algebraic group
Michael Le Barbier Grünewald (MPIM) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Complete Intersections of Quadrics
Nicolas Addington (Imperial College, London) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
Faltings' approach to the construction of Néron models
Ch. Kappen (Duisburg-Essen) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
On the geometry of the Gamma_1(p)-moduli space, 1
M. Rapoport - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
On the cluster multiplication theorem for acyclic cluster algebras
Fan Xu (Beijing)
- The Bonn Representation Theory Seminar-
Coverings of root valuation strata, 1
Eva Viehmann (Bonn)
-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie in Bonn-
Hecke algebra isomorphisms and the Bernstein center
Th. Haines (U. of Maryland, z.Z. U Bonn)
-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie in Bonn-
Mazur's inequality, toric varieties, and the numbers game, 2
Qendrim Gashi (MPI)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie in Bonn -
Seminar Bonn-Mainz "Stability conditions and Stokes factors"
Daniel Huybrechts (Bonn) und Sven Meinhardt (Bonn)
Noether-Lefschetz loucs for K3 surfaces (1); Noether-Lefschetz numbers (2); Period domains and Heegner divisors (3)
P. Sosna (1); A. Ferretti (2); S. Müller-Stach (3) - SFB-Seminar (Transregio 45) Noether-Lefschetz and Gromov-Witten theory (after Maulik and Pandharipande)
(1) Borcherds' theorem on Heegner divisors ; (2) Application to Noether-Lefschetz numbers
(1) Xuaming Ye; (2) Pawel Sosna
Fine affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and Ekedahl-Oort strata 2
Maarten Hoeve (MPI) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
New cases of p-adic uniformization
M. Rapoport - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces and conjectural link homology groups
Hiraku Nakajima (Kyoto) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
The Satake equivalence in ramified cases, 2
T. Richarz - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
k-gonal loci in Severi varieties of curves on K3 surfaces
Andreas Knutsen (U Bergen, Norwegen) - Seminar Algebraische Geometry (SAG)
Arithmetic moduli of Enriques surfaces, 1.
C. Liedtke - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie
An informal introduction to some aspects of geometric Langlands
Roman Federov (Bonn)
Degree zero DT invariants and Behrend function, introduction (1); Göttsche's formula in higher dimensions (2)
D. Huybrechts (1); M. Lehn (2) - SFB-Seminar (Transregio 45) 'Degree zero DT invariants and Behrend function'
Quantum cohomology of framed sheaves
Davesh Maulik (MIT) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
The arithmetic and geometry of degenerations of K3 surfaces
Radu Laza (Stony Brook) - Seminar Algebraische Geometrie (SAG)
Quivers with potentials from triangulations: pops and non-degeneracy
Daniel Labardini-Fragoso (Bonn) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Atomic bases in cluster algebras of affine type A
Gregoire Dupont (Paris) - Seminar Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
Rational curves on K3 surfaces not defined over number fields (after Li/Liedtke)
D. Huybrechts - Graduate Seminar on Algebra: Curves on Surfaces
Degenerations of K3 surfaces and applications II: Rational endomorphisms
Thomas Dedieu (Toulouse) - Graduate Seminar on Algebra: Curves on Surfaces
Deformation theory for stable maps to a K3 surface
Michael Kemeny - Graduate Seminar on Algebra: Curves on Surfaces