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Event Definition von Nakajimas Köcher-Varietäten
Workshop: Köcher-Varietäten nach Nakajima, 1. Treffen
Event K-Theorie von Köcher-Varietäten; Darstellungen von affinen Quantenalgebren
Workshop: Köcher-Varietäten nach Nakajima
Event K-Theorie von Köcher-Varietäten und Darstellungen von affinen Quantenalgebren
Workshop: Köcher-Varietäten nach Nakajima
Event Curves on algebraic surfaces 2
Richard Thomas (Imperial College London) - Workshop: Integrability - Modern variations
Event Workshop über derivierte Kategorien kohärenter Garben
Event Essener Seminar für Algebraische Geometrie und Arithmetik
Event Essener Seminar für Algebraische Geometrie und Arithmetik
Event Workshop: Riemann-Roch for Deligne-Mumford stacks
Event Cohomological Hasse principle - First meeting
Event Workshop on Deformation Theory in Algebraic Geometry
Introductory course on Deformation Theory for Phd-Students working in Algebraic Geometry.
Event Cohomological Hasse principle - Second meeting
Event Workshop über derivierte Kategorien kohärenter Garben
Org.: U. Görtz (Duisburg), T. Wedhorn (Paderborn)
Event Workshop über derivierte Kategorien kohärenter Garben
Event Workshop: Arithmetic intersection theory and Shimura varieties; February 3 - 7, 2014
Event Workshop on Seshadri Constants
Event Affine Flag Manifolds and Principal Bundles
Event The Duflo isomorphism and its relatives
Workshop on the Duflo isomorphism and related isomorphisms in algebra and geometry
Event Essener Seminar für Algebraische Geometrie und Arithmetik
Event Workshop: Birational geometry and foliations; Feb 24-28, 2014
Event International Workshop on Mirror Symmetry Organizers: Daniel Huybrechts (Bonn University, Mathematics) and Albrecht Klemm ...
Event Workshop on McKay correspondence for symplectic resolutions (following Bezrukavnikov-Kaledin)
Event Linear Series on Algebraic Surfaces
Workshop University of Mainz
Event Curves on algebraic surfaces 1
Richard Thomas (Imperial College London) - Workshop: Integrability - Modern variations
Event The arithmetic transfer conjecture for exotic formal moduli spaces
Michael Rapoport - Workshop: Arithmetic intersection theory and Shimura varieties
Event Derived equivalences of irregular varieties and non-vanishing loci More Info
Luigi Lombardi - Workshop on derived categories
Event Beilinson-Flach elements and the arithmetic of elliptic curves
Massimo Bertolini - Workshop: Arithmetic intersection theory and Shimura varieties
Event Derived equivalences of irregular varieties and non-vanishing loci More Info
Luigi Lombardi - Workshop on derived categories
Event Hodge theoretic aspects of mirror symmetry