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Jutta Gonska

Latest content created by this user

Francis Brown: Renormalization for algebraic geometers I, II May 02, 2013
Erik Panzer: Feynman integrals and hyperlogarithms Mar 13, 2013
Clément Dupont: The Hopf algebra of dissection polylogarithms Mar 12, 2013
Spencer Bloch: Twistors Mar 12, 2013
David Broadhurst: Elliptic integrals in quantum field theory Mar 14, 2013
Employment: M06 Jan 14, 2013
Employment: A06 Jul 19, 2012
Employment: M02 Jul 19, 2012
Employment: M02 Sep 15, 2011
Employment: Z Sep 06, 2011
Spring School: Rational Curves and Contact Geometry Dec 11, 2013
t.b.a. Mar 04, 2014
Seshadri constants in positive characteristic Mar 04, 2014
An informal introduction to some aspects of geometric Langlands Feb 26, 2014
Singularities of low degree complete intersections Feb 18, 2014
Panzer Apr 22, 2013
Dupont Apr 15, 2013
Broadhurst Mar 21, 2013
Dirk Kreimer: Parametric Renormalization in Scalar and Gauge Fields Mar 20, 2013
Introduction to the mathematical topics of this summer school Apr 15, 2012
Spring School: Rational Curves and Contact Geometry Dec 11, 2013
Spring School 2013 Bingen Mar 12, 2013
Projects 1st funding period Aug 08, 2011
Motives May 24, 2011
Spring School on higher dimensional class field theory Jul 28, 2009
Eckart Viehweg Feb 01, 2010
Sara Arias-de-Reyna Oct 24, 2014
Dr. Abdolfazl Mohajer Jun 09, 2009
Adam Czaplinski Feb 20, 2014
Abhijit Laskar Jan 08, 2014
Laura Biroth Dec 05, 2013
Graduate School Sep 28, 2007
Moduli spaces, symplectic and Calabi-Yau manifolds Jul 28, 2011
Calabi-Yau categories Jul 28, 2011
Shimura varieties Jul 28, 2011
Periods and period domains Jul 28, 2011
All content created by Jutta Gonska…