Symplectic automorphisms of Fano varieties of cubic fourfolds and its action on algebraic cycles
Lie Fu (ENS Paris) - Seminar Algebraic Geometry (SAG)
What |
When |
Oct 24, 2013 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am |
Where | Bonn, Hörsaal MPI, Vivatsgasse 7 |
Contact Name | sachinidis |
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Abstract: This talk is mainly on the Chow-theoretical aspects of projective
hyper-Kähler varieties. A smooth projective complex variety is called hyper-Kähler
if it is simply-connected and has a unique, up to scalar, holomorphic symplectic
2-form. Given a finite-order symplectic automorphism of such a variety, some
generalization of Bloch's conjecture predicts that the induced action on its Chow
group of zero-dimensional cycles is trivial. We prove this conjecture for the Fano
variety of lines of a smooth cubic fourfold (which is a hyper-Kähler variety by
Beauville-Donagi's result) under the extra condition that the automorphism
preserves the Plücker polarization. This result partially generalizes a recent
theorem of Huybrechts and Voisin in the case of projective K3 surfaces. If time
permits, some related classification results will also be touched upon.
References: arXiv:1302.6531, arXiv:1303.2241